Hello Marvelous Magnolia
fans from all over the globe.....
Welcome to the
we are looking for new members for our team ...
Are you a lover like us to Magnolia and its magical world?!?
All you now you're the person we're looking just to add to the name DT
to participate in our call.
Please only enter once! I will be selecting from past and present
designers, as well as looking for new talent to represent
You must be able
to follow the theme of the challenges, comment on 1 in 10
entries, and you must be able to take well lit, quality photos.
to follow the theme of the challenges, comment on 1 in 10
entries, and you must be able to take well lit, quality photos.
Meanwhile, we wish you a beautiful summer full of what you most desired.
Come back with the new Challenge and the new DT in SEPTEMBER.
We show you two cards to inspire you
Salutiamo e vi auguriamo una splendida giornata !!!
Hugs Meraviglioso Magnolia Dt
1. | Suzi Mac | 4. | Beatriz | 7. | Reetta | |
2. | CraftyNatalie | 5. | Ine (Creaine) | |||
3. | SUSAN WALKER | 6. | Bisse |
(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)
Still no winners announced for March. Is there any chance you could post these please
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